The Effects of Ad-Blockers on Tracking

Bünyamin Alirkilicarslan

·  views: 111277

~10 min reading time

This article examines the effects of ad-blockers on tracking and explains how companies can use server-side tracking to solve this problem. Server-side tracking allows companies to use tracking codes without being blocked by ad-blockers. The article also
Article Overview
What are Ad-Blockers?
How do Ad-Blockers Impact Tracking?
Why do People Use Ad-Blockers?
How Can Companies Implement Server-Side Tracking?
What is Server-Side Tracking?
How Does Server-Side Tracking Work?
What are the Advantages of Server-Side Tracking over Client-Side Tracking?
What Challenges Exist in Implementing Server-Side Tracking?
How Can Data Privacy Compliance be Ensured with Server-Side Tracking?
What Role Does Server-Side Tracking Play in the Future of Tracking?
Examples of Companies Successfully Implementing Server-Side Tracking
Pros and Cons of Server-Side Tracking

The Effects of Ad-Blockers on Tracking and How Server-Side Tracking Provides a Solution


Ad-blockers are becoming increasingly popular and have advantages for many people, but they also have significant disadvantages for the advertising industry. This technology blocks advertisements on websites, preventing users from being influenced by ads. This also has an impact on tracking because ad-blockers can also block tracking codes. How can this problem be addressed? One solution is server-side tracking. In this article, we will examine the effects of ad-blockers on tracking and explain how companies can use server-side tracking to solve this problem.

What are Ad-Blockers?

Ad-blockers are software tools that block advertisements on websites. There are different types of ad-blockers, including browser extensions and mobile apps. Most ad-blockers are free and easy to install.

How do Ad-Blockers Impact Tracking?

Ad-blockers not only block ads but also tracking codes. This means that companies are no longer able to track user behavior on websites. Without tracking, companies cannot determine which pages a user has visited, which products they have viewed, or what they have added to their shopping cart. This makes it more difficult for companies to display targeted ads and optimize their marketing campaigns. Without tracking, they have to rely on assumptions about which products and services a user might be interested in.

Why do People Use Ad-Blockers?

People use ad-blockers for various reasons. One reason is that they find ads annoying. Many users find it irritating when they are inundated with ads on websites. Another reason is concerns about privacy. They do not want their online activities to be tracked by companies. Additionally, some users are distracted by ads on websites, which affects their productivity.

How Can Companies Implement Server-Side Tracking?

Server-side tracking is a technology that allows companies to use tracking codes without being blocked by ad-blockers. Unlike client-side tracking, where the tracking code is executed on the user's side, server-side tracking executes the code on the company's server. As a result, the code cannot be blocked by ad-blockers because it is executed on a different server.

What is Server-Side Tracking?

Server-side tracking is a method of tracking where the tracking code is executed on the company's server. The code is not executed on the user's computer but on the server of the company hosting the website. This prevents the code from being blocked by ad-blockers.

How Does Server-Side Tracking Work?

In server-side tracking, the tracking code is executed on the company's server. The code is typically written in a server-side scripting language such as PHP or Python and runs on the company's web server. When a user visits the website, the code is executed, and the data is stored on the company's server.

What are the Advantages of Server-Side Tracking over Client-Side Tracking?

Server-side tracking offers several advantages over client-side tracking. One of the most important advantages is that the tracking code cannot be blocked by ad-blockers. This allows the company to track user behavior on the website and display targeted ads. Another advantage is that server-side tracking is more accurate than client-side tracking. Since the code is executed on the server, companies can collect more data and analyze that data more effectively.

What Challenges Exist in Implementing Server-Side Tracking?

Implementing server-side tracking can be more challenging than implementing client-side tracking. One challenge is that companies may need additional resources to implement and maintain server-side tracking. Additionally, server-side tracking typically requires higher technical expertise compared to client-side tracking.

How Can Data Privacy Compliance be Ensured with Server-Side Tracking?

To ensure that server-side tracking is compliant with data privacy regulations, companies should ensure they obtain user consent before collecting data. Companies should also ensure that they only use the data they collect for legitimate purposes and securely store the data.

What Role Does Server-Side Tracking Play in the Future of Tracking?

Server-side tracking is expected to play a significant role in the future of tracking. As ad-blockers become more popular, and more users adopt them, companies will be looking for ways to bypass tracking limitations. Server-side tracking offers a solution to this problem by executing the tracking code on the company's server.

Examples of Companies Successfully Implementing Server-Side Tracking

One company successfully using server-side tracking is The company uses server-side tracking to monitor user behavior on the website and display targeted ads. Another example is Facebook, which uses server-side tracking to track user behavior on the platform.

Pros and Cons of Server-Side Tracking

Server-side tracking offers several advantages but also has some disadvantages. The advantages include the inability to be blocked by ad-blockers, increased accuracy, and the ability to collect more data. The disadvantages include higher technical requirements and potentially higher costs.


In this article, we examined the effects of ad-blockers on tracking and explained how companies can use server-side tracking to solve this problem. Server-side tracking allows companies to use tracking codes without being blocked by ad-blockers. Server-side tracking also provides benefits such as accuracy and the ability to collect more data. However, there are challenges in implementing server-side tracking, including higher technical requirements and potential costs.


1. How do ad-blockers work?

Ad-blockers are software tools that block advertisements on websites by not loading the ads. They identify ads based on filter lists that contain ad URLs and codes. If a website contains an ad URL or code that is on the filter list, the ad is blocked.

2. What impact do ad-blockers have on tracking?

Ad-blockers not only block ads but also tracking codes. This means that companies are no longer able to track user behavior on websites. Without tracking, companies cannot determine which pages a user has visited, which products they have viewed, or what they have added to their shopping cart.

3. What is the difference between server-side and client-side tracking?

In client-side tracking, the tracking code is executed on the user's computer, while in server-side tracking, the code is executed on the company's server. The code is written and executed on the company's web server when a user visits the website. In client-side tracking, the code is executed on the user's side.

4. Is server-side tracking legal?

Yes, server-side tracking is legal as long as it complies with data privacy regulations. Companies need to ensure they obtain user consent before collecting data and use the data only for legitimate purposes.

5. Is server-side tracking the future of tracking?

Server-side tracking is expected to play a significant role in the future of tracking. As ad-blockers become more popular, companies are looking for ways to bypass tracking limitations. Server-side tracking offers a solution by executing the tracking code on the company's server.

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