Privacy-Compliant Tracking: Why Server Side Tracking is the Solution for GDPR

Bünyamin Alirkilicarslan
Bünyamin Alirkilicarslan
Views: 140188 ~21 Minuten Lesezeit
Learn how Server Side Tracking helps companies meet GDPR requirements, obtain more accurate data, and improve website performance.
Diagramm zeigt die Vorteile und Funktionsweise von Server Side Tracking zur Erfüllung der DSGVO-Anforderungen.

Article Overview

  • Importance of data protection and processing
  • Introduction to Server Side Tracking
What is Server Side Tracking?
  • Definition and functionality
  • Comparison to client-side tracking
The Importance of GDPR
  • Goals and requirements of GDPR
  • Consequences of non-compliance
Differences between Client-Side and Server Side Tracking
  • Data collection and storage
  • Privacy issues with client-side tracking
  • Benefits of Server Side Tracking
Advantages of Server Side Tracking
  • Improved privacy
  • More accurate data measurement
  • Performance improvements
  • Reduction of ad-blocker issues
Transition to Server Side Tracking
  • Technical requirements
  • Implementation in existing systems
  • Summary of benefits
  • Recommendations for the transition


In today's data-driven world, it is essential to ensure the privacy of users while providing valuable information to businesses. This is where Server Side Tracking comes into play, a technique that helps meet these requirements. In this article, we will explore why Server Side Tracking is the ideal solution for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What is Server Side Tracking?

Server Side Tracking is a method of capturing user activities and data where information is processed and stored directly on the web server, rather than on the user's device (client). This minimizes privacy risks while enabling more accurate recording of user interactions.

The Importance of GDPR

GDPR is a European data protection regulation aimed at ensuring the protection of personal data of EU citizens. It sets strict requirements for companies on how to handle this data and protect user privacy. Non-compliance with GDPR can result in significant fines and legal consequences.

Differences between Client-Side and Server Side Tracking

With client-side tracking, data is collected and stored on the user's device (e.g., through cookies) before being sent to the server. While this method is commonly used, it can lead to privacy issues and is more susceptible to inaccuracies and manipulations.

In contrast, with Server Side Tracking, data collection and processing occur directly on the server, avoiding the aforementioned issues. This results in improved privacy compliance and more accurate data.

Advantages of Server Side Tracking


Server Side Tracking is better for privacy as it does not store sensitive information on the user's device. Since data is processed directly on the server, the need for cookies and other client-side storage technologies is reduced. This is especially important regarding GDPR, which imposes strict requirements on handling personal data.

Accurate Data Measurement

Since Server Side Tracking captures data directly on the server, it is less susceptible to manipulation and inaccuracies that can occur with client-side tracking. This allows for more accurate measurement of user activity and provides more reliable data for analysis.

Performance Improvements

Server Side Tracking can contribute to better website performance as it consumes fewer resources on the user's device. Client-side tracking can cause the user's browser to execute additional JavaScript code, which can impact page load times. By shifting data processing to the server, the load on the user's device can be reduced.

Reduction of Ad-Blocker Issues

Since Server Side Tracking does not use cookies or other client-side storage technologies, it is less susceptible to issues related to ad blockers and other privacy tools. These tools can impair client-side tracking, resulting in inaccurate or incomplete data.

Transition to Server Side Tracking

Technical Requirements

The transition to Server Side Tracking requires some technical adjustments, including setting up a tracking server and adapting existing tracking code. In many cases, it is possible to extend existing tracking solutions like Google Analytics or Matomo with server-side plugins or modules.

Implementation in Existing Systems

Integrating Server Side Tracking into existing systems can vary depending on the specific requirements of the company. However, in many cases, it is possible to gradually introduce Server Side Tracking and run it in parallel with existing client-side tracking. This allows for a smooth transition and minimizes the impact on data collection.


Server Side Tracking is an effective and privacy-compliant method for capturing user activities and data. By shifting data processing to the server, companies can meet GDPR requirements, obtain more accurate data, and improve website performance. The transition to Server Side Tracking requires some technical adjustments, but the benefits outweigh the challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Server Side Tracking GDPR compliant?
Yes, Server Side Tracking is GDPR compliant as it better protects user privacy and provides better control over the processing of personal data.
2. Can I run Server Side Tracking alongside client-side tracking?
Yes, it is possible to set up Server Side Tracking alongside client-side tracking to ensure a smooth transition and maintain data collection.
3. Does Server Side Tracking affect my website's performance?
On the contrary, Server Side Tracking can even help improve your website's performance as it consumes fewer resources on the user's device and reduces the JavaScript code that needs to run in the browser.
4. Does Server Side Tracking work with popular analytics tools like Google Analytics?
Yes, many analytics tools like Google Analytics or Matomo can be extended with server-side plugins or modules to enable Server Side Tracking.
5. How complex is the transition to Server Side Tracking?
The transition to Server Side Tracking requires some technical adjustments, such as setting up a tracking server and adapting the tracking code. The effort can vary depending on the specific requirements of the company, but the benefits usually outweigh the challenges.

Do you have questions or need assistance with implementing Server Side Tracking? Contact us to learn how we can help you optimize your online marketing strategy.

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